Mini Yucatan 4

5 days / 4 nights

Cancun > Ek Balam > Chichen Itza > Merida > Uxmal > Campeche > Palenque > Chetumal > Riviera Maya

Mini Yucatan 4

5 days / 4 nights

Day 1: Cancun – Ek Balam – Chichen Itza – Merida

You will start by visiting Ek Balam, an intriguing archaeological site located about 30 km from Valladolid. Recent discoveries at Ek Balam have revolutionized the understanding of Mayan culture, suggesting it was a politically influential and prosperous city. While only the “Kremlin” is visible, the rest of the city remains hidden under jungle vegetation. Explore the Acropolis, Ball Game Court, Twin Buildings, Observatory, and Temazcal. Next, proceed to Chichen Itza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World and a prime example of Mayan civilization. This site, once accessible only to the elite—such as magicians, scientists, and ball players—features splendid temples and cenotes that were abandoned before the arrival of Spanish colonizers. Admire the Pyramid of Kukulkan, the ball court, the Observatory, and more. Afterward, visit the cenote Ik-Kil for a refreshing swim. Overnight in Merida.

Day 2: Merida – Uxmal – Campeche

Today, explore Uxmal, a superb example of Puuc architecture from the Mayan Classical period. Uxmal is renowned for its impressive ruins and architectural style. In the afternoon, travel to the picturesque city-port of Campeche.

Day 3: Campeche – Waterfall Misol Ha – Palenque

Begin the day with a tour of Campeche, known for its well-preserved baroque colonial buildings and historic walled district. The city’s colonial Spanish walls and fortifications were crucial in defending it from pirates. Campeche’s preservation earned it UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 1999. Next, visit the coastal area of Sabancuy and the stunning Misol Ha waterfall. Continue to Palenque for an overnight stay.

Day 4: Palenque – Chetumal

Explore the archaeological site of Palenque, one of the most remarkable Mayan cities. This “City-Gallery” features stone portraits of priests and Emperor Pakal II, as well as the Temple of the Sun and the Cross, and the enigmatic “spaceman” image on Pakal’s sarcophagus. This mystical city, nestled deep in the Chiapas jungle, is surrounded by dense vegetation. Travel to Chetumal for the evening.

Day 5: Chetumal – Xel-Ha – Riviera Maya

Visit Xel-Ha, one of the most beautiful eco-parks in the Riviera Maya, renowned for its natural beauty and water activities. Afterward, return to Riviera Maya to conclude your tour.


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