
12 days / 11 nights

Mexico City > Oaxaca > Tehuantepec > San Cristobal de las Casas > Atitlan > Flores > Palenque > Campeche > Cancun


12 days / 11 nights

Day 1: Arrival to Mexico City

Tour starts with a transfer from Mexico City airport to the hotel (30-40 minutes).

Day 2: Mexico City Tour – Teotihuacan – National Museum of Anthropology

Experience the impressive metropolis of Mexico City, a vibrant blend of Indians, Mestizos, Creoles, and Europeans. Explore “Zocalo,” the main national square, the ancient Aztec city Tenochtitlan, and the National Palace. Admire Diego Rivera’s murals, depicting Mexico’s pre-Columbian history, colonial period, and Revolution. Visit the National Museum of Anthropology in Chapultepec Park to see archaeological treasures from the Toltec, Mexica, Aztec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Olmec, and Maya civilizations, including the Aztec Calendar Stone. Then, journey to Mexico’s grandest archaeological site, Teotihuacan (80 km from Mexico City). Explore the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, the Avenue of the Dead, and the Jaguar Palace. Return to your hotel.

Day 3: Mexico City – Puebla – Oaxaca

Begin your journey towards the Caribbean coast with a morning drive to Puebla, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its clean air and legendary “mole” sauce. Continue to Oaxaca, where you’ll check into your hotel.

Day 4: Oaxaca – Monte Alban – Tehuantepec

Explore Monte Alban, a city-state of the Zapotecs situated 2000 meters above sea level. Visit its ball games field, observatory, and the famous wall portrayals of dancers. Continue to Tehuantepec and check into your hotel.

Day 5: Tehuantepec – San Cristobal de Las Casas

Travel to Sumidero Canyon, known for its exotic plant figures, caves, and altars. Take a boat ride through the canyon, then continue to San Cristobal de Las Casas, the former capital of Chiapas, and check into your hotel.

Day 6: San Cristobal de Las Casas – La Mesilla – Atitlan (Mexico & Guatemala)

Cross into Guatemala and head to Lake Atitlan, described by Aldous Huxley as the most beautiful lake in the world. Surrounded by three spectacular volcanoes—Toliman, San Pedro, and Atitlan—check into your hotel for the night.

Day 7: Atitlan – Antigua (Guatemala)

Visit the archaeological city of Copan in Honduras, known for its stelae and altars, and the Acropolis. Transfer to Antigua for overnight accommodation.

Day 8: Copan – Quirigua – Flores (Guatemala)

Explore Quirigua, a Maya city renowned for its gigantic stelae, including the tallest stele ever found. Continue to Flores for overnight.

Day 9: Flores – Tikal – Flores

Discover Tikal, the capital of the Mayan Empire. Explore its main buildings such as Temples I and II, the North Acropolis, and the Great Jaguar, as well as numerous steles and altars. Enjoy lunch in the park. Return to Flores.

Day 10: Flores – Bethel – Bonampak – Palenque (Guatemala & Mexico)

Visit Bonampak, an ancient Maya site famous for its murals in Structure 1 (The Temple of the Murals). The site dates back to the Early Classic period. Continue to Palenque and check into your hotel.

Day 11: Palenque – Campeche

Explore Palenque’s ancient Mayan ruins, including the Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Cross, and Temple of the Inscriptions. See the tomb of Pakal II, a Mayan emperor. Travel through the scenic Gulf of Mexico road to Campeche, known for its 17th-century walls. Check into your hotel.

Day 12: Campeche – Merida – Chichen Itza – Cancun

Arrive at Chichen Itza, a “Wonder of the New World,” representing Mayan and Toltec culture. Explore the Pyramid of Kukulkan, the ball game field, the observatory, and more. Swim in Ik-Kil cenote, one of the Yucatan’s most beautiful karst lakes. Transfer to Cancun or Riviera Maya, your final destination.


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