Five Civilizations Plus

11 days / 10 nights

Mexico City > Taxco > Acapulco > Oaxaca > Tehuantepec > San Cristobal de las Casas > Palenque > Campeche > Merida > Riviera Maya

Five Civilizations Plus

11 days / 10 nights

Day 1: Arrival in Mexico City

Begin your adventure with a transfer from Mexico City airport to your hotel, a quick 30-40 minute ride through the bustling metropolis.

Day 2: Mexico City Tour – Teotihuacan – National Museum of Anthropology (10 hours)

Explore Mexico City’s vibrant blend of cultures, where indigenous, mestizo, Creole, and European influences merge. The city is a sensory feast of colors, emotions, and flavors. Visit the “Zócalo,” the main national square, and see the remnants of the ancient Aztec city, Tenochtitlan. Marvel at Diego Rivera’s murals in the National Palace, depicting Mexico’s rich history from pre-Columbian times to the Revolution.

Wander through the National Museum of Anthropology in Chapultepec Park, where treasures from pre-Hispanic civilizations, such as the Toltec, Mexica, Aztec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Olmec, and Maya, are displayed. The Aztec Calendar Stone is a must-see.

Later, journey to the ancient city of Teotihuacán, 80km from Mexico City. Once the sixth-largest city in the world around 400 A.D., it was mysteriously abandoned centuries before the Aztec occupation. Explore the Jaguar Palace, the Temple of the Plumed Conch Shells, the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, and the Avenue of the Dead. Return to your hotel after this fascinating day.


Day 3: Frida Kahlo Museum – Trotsky Museum – Taxco – Acapulco

Dive into the artistic soul of Mexico with a visit to the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacán, where the surrealist artist lived with her husband, Diego Rivera. Discover the lifestyle of affluent Mexican bohemians during the first half of the 20th century. Continue to the Trotsky Museum, learning about the Russian revolutionary’s exile in Mexico and his untiring criticism of Stalin.

In the afternoon, travel to Taxco, the “City of Silver,” known for its charming streets and the baroque Santa Prisca Cathedral. Then, head to Acapulco for the night.

Day 4: Acapulco – City Tour – Cliff Diving Show – Acapulco

Witness the daring cliff divers of Acapulco, a tradition that spans over 40 years. These brave souls leap from a 45-meter cliff into the Pacific Ocean, navigating the rocky terrain and timing their dives with the ebb and flow of the waves. The night show, where divers hold torches as they plunge into the darkness, is particularly breathtaking.

Explore Acapulco’s vibrant streets and enjoy the coastal city’s rich history and lively atmosphere.

Day 5: Acapulco – Puebla – Oaxaca

Begin your day with a scenic drive to Puebla, one of Mexico’s oldest cities, renowned for its 70 churches in the historic center and over 1,000 colonial buildings adorned with azulejos (painted ceramic tiles). Take a city tour of Puebla, then continue to Oaxaca, where you’ll check into your hotel for the night.

Day 6: Oaxaca – Monte Albán – Tule – Tehuantepec

Discover Monte Albán, a Zapotec city-state perched 2,000 meters above sea level. This ancient religious center is a marvel of geometry, featuring a ball court, observatory, and the world-famous Danzantes (dancers) wall reliefs. After exploring Monte Albán, continue to Tehuantepec for an overnight stay.

Day 7: Tehuantepec – Sumidero Canyon – San Cristóbal de las Casas

Start your day with a visit to the breathtaking Sumidero Canyon, where you’ll take a boat ride through its towering walls, marveling at the exotic vegetation, caves, and altars along the way. Then, journey to San Cristóbal de las Casas, the most “Indian” city in Mexico, rich in indigenous culture. Check into your hotel upon arrival.

Day 8: San Cristóbal de las Casas – Waterfall Misol-Ha – Palenque

Explore the vibrant market and streets of San Cristóbal de las Casas, followed by a visit to the nearby indigenous villages of Zinacantán and San Juan Chamula. In the afternoon, visit the stunning Misol-Ha waterfall before arriving in Palenque for the night.

Day 9: Palenque – Campeche

Uncover the mysteries of Palenque, one of the most impressive Mayan archaeological sites. This city, shrouded in jungle, is a gallery of stone portraits, temples, and the famous sarcophagus of Emperor Pakal II, adorned with the enigmatic “spaceman” carving. Later, cross the Usumacinta River to reach Campeche, a city famous for its well-preserved 17th-century walls. Check into your hotel in Campeche.

Day 10: Campeche – Uxmal – Mérida

Explore the pirate history and colonial charm of Campeche before heading to Uxmal, a masterpiece of Puuc architecture. Visit the Pyramid of the Magician, the Governor’s Palace adorned with 365 masks of the rain god Chaak, and the Temple of the Turtles. Continue to Mérida, where you’ll spend the night.

Day 11: Mérida – Chichen Itza – Ek Balam – Riviera Maya

Journey through the Yucatán’s henequen fields, once the region’s economic lifeblood, to reach Chichen Itza, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Explore this iconic Mayan-Toltec site, including the Pyramid of Kukulkan, the Great Ball Court, and the observatory.

Take a refreshing swim in the cenote Ik-Kil, a stunning karst lake, before heading to Ek Balam, an archaeological site known for its recent and revolutionary discoveries. Here, only a small portion of the ancient city has been uncovered, the rest still hidden beneath the jungle. Marvel at the Acropolis, Ball Court, and Temazcal before arriving in Riviera Maya to conclude your tour.


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